Thursday, August 19, 2021

 Resurrection Day

    Gerald and I were talking the other night about sin and it's representation in the physical reality of death. Death is never a subtle picture. It stares you square on and says "Here I am, I am the result of sin in this fallen world." It sucks being stuck in bodies that are still tied to the flesh, fallen, and that even as believers we still make sinful choices. Losing two special people in the last 3 1/2 years in such horrible ways are a constant reminder of the heartbreaking consequence of sin, and yet a reminder of the grace of God.
    Especially losing our little Maybel recently, it puts the death of Christ, God's own Son, in an entirely new light. I humanly would do anything to bring our little girl back, and yet God willingly gave His Son for us, and Jesus willingly submitted Himself to God's plan and gave Himself for us! WHAT GRACE!
    Death was never part of God's plan for this world, and as I sat there crying with Gerald I was saying how hard it is to watch those you love die, and yet I thought how horrible it must be for the Lord to see so many people die every day, and that was never part of His original plan....I wonder what His thoughts are as He sees each person die...for the believers that die I am sure it is such a pleasure to welcome them home in His arms, and yet I know He feels our pain as those left behind and aches with us for the reality and the pain death brings to our present lives.
    But yet the Lord is so gracious...even through the death of our loved ones we can still find His grace. Our Heavenly Father has strengthened the parts of our marriage that He knew would be tested in these trials, He has blessed us with a healthy child, family that will support us during hard times, even the death of my father previously helped prepare us for this day as Gerald had to walk with me in my grief early in our marriage (I didn't see the grace of the timing of my father's death in this way before), and even after the death of my dad and our sweet Maybel He has shown us little things to remind us of His love whether it be a quote on a sign that my dad used all of the time, to daffodils in our yard (March birth flower) to remind us of Maybel.
    God's grace stretches from the small picture to the biggest picture in His Son's death...but thank the Lord that His Son didn't stay dead...He rose to conquer the death and sin in this world and offer us the chance to be in fellowship with Him, and fellowship with Him forever... WHAT GRACE!!!
    I can't wait for the day when we get to be rid of this sinful body and get to see Christ face to face! Happy Resurrection Day! I hope you are all able to remember and enjoy the grace of God in your lives today ❤️.

(Date: April 3rd. 2021)

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